Newham's First Zine Fair

Last week Rabbits Road Press hosted Newham's first zine fair, with exhibitors from all over London and beyond exhibiting and selling self-publied zines and artwork. The event was attended by zine makers and locals alike, as well as checking out the work on offer it was a chance for us to welcome people into the space and talk to them about the risograph printing and the bookmaking facilities we have on site and invite them to return on a Tuesday for a free induction.  Amongst the exhibitors, we were particularly excited to have Open Access regular Sadie selling her book which she had been working on at Rabbits Road Press. We're looking forward to lots more independent publishing action coming out of Rabbits Road Press in the following month! 

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Seed Packet Making

We were approached by Maslaha to deliver a seed packet making workshop for a group of local parents who they have been working with on a food project. The workshop was probably the funnest we've ever done, once equipped with the basics of Risograph printing the local mums took over Rabbits Road Press and after a lot of chatting, tea drinking and biscuit eating they produced this gorgeous collection of seed packets.  

Zine World

Zine World is coming to Rabbits Road Press! 

On March 25, from 12-6pm, Rabbits Road Press will be hosting Zine World, a free zine and small press fair, at Rabbits Road Institute. Over 25 artists and zine makers will be exhibiting and selling their work. There will be an exhibition of over 50 risogrpah posters which have been made during RRP’s Open Access Tuesdays by local residents, students, artist and anyone else who has popped in and learned how to make a two-colour risograph print. Plus a chance to make your own print on the day. The fair is free to attend and open to all! If you’d like to sell your work please fill in this application form by March 3rd:

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Introduction to Book Binding with Rahel Zoller

We invited Rahel Zoller, Book Arts and Design Specialist Technician at London College of Communication and part of the ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative], to deliver a book binding workshop at Rabbits Road Press. The state of the codex book in contemporary society is a current theme of her work and she is deeply interested in the latest innovations happening within publishing. During this workshop participants learned how to fold and manipulate paper using specialist bookbinding tools and learned three versatile book structures. 

Risograph Book Making with Eleanor Vonne Brown

We were delighted to invite Eleanor Vonne Brown to lead the first workshop at Rabbits Road Press. Eleanor is the founder of X Marks the Bökship, a bookshop and project space for independent publishers in London. She lead a risograph printing and book making workshop using our perfect binding machine for 10 people on Saturday 11 February.

X Marks the Bookship-

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Open Access

Rabbits Road Press is open to the public every Tuesday during term time from 2-7pm. Come in, have a look at the exhibition and sign up to be a member of Rabbits Road Press for FREE! All new members are given a 1:1 Risograph printing induction upon arrival, where they will have the chance to make a two colour print and take 5 copies away (no booking required, just show up). Once members have been fully inducted they can find a price list for paper and printing costs up in the space, members are welcome and encouraged to come and use the facilities every Tuesday 2-7pm and to work on their own projects, basic art materials are provided. The press is open to all and we have members from as far as Chicago, no printing or art experience is required. 

Newham residents are eligible for discounted printing rates, please bring ID.  

Rabbits Road Press Launch

After much preparation, research and furniture assembly we were delighted to launch Rabbits Road Press last week and finally open the doors to the public. We had a wonderful turnout of local people, Risograph enthusiasts and many familiar faces from our OOMK network. Rabbits Road Press will be open to the public every Tuesday from 2-7pm for free 1:1 drop-in Risograph inductions and for Open Access studio use. A programme of workshops and events will be announced over the next few weeks. See you soon!

Photography by Steph Jed